Fix Your Back Pain

Here’s some things you should know.

You’re not alone. One in six Australians will have back pain at some point in their lives. Don’t panic.

I have helped many patients with low back pain and am here to listen to you and help you. Physiotherapy will help to minimise the amount of time you’re in pain in the short term and give you a much better long term result, not just a quick fix. I use “hands on” treatment, in conjunction with education, dry needling and an individually prescribed exercise programme.

Don’t rush into having xrays, scans or MRIs. MRIs on people who don’t have low back pain will often show disc bulges, disc degeneration, disc protrusions and facet joint degeneration. These things are normal parts of the aging process- like grey hairs or wrinkles. They are not necessarily causing your problem. Unnecessary scans can lead to incorrect treatments that will not help you but possibly make you worse. A good history and examination is much more accurate in diagnosing and treating your problem.

Pain killers, anti inflammatory drugs  and cortisone injections are not a long term solutions

Surgery is your last option and really only necessary in a small percentage of cases.

Try to remain as active as possible and avoid bedrest. Limit your activities to allow your pain to settle and then gradually get back to normal.

Exercise can prevent recurrence of low back pain. It almost halves the risk of recurrence. The longer you can exercise for, the better results you will get. You need to be doing the right type of exercise which Sue can prescribe for you.

My goal is to keep you active, mobile and independent to live the life you want without pain pills, injections or surgery.